Herbs are always a welcome gift that will make good use of your stash of home grown or purchased herbs and spices. Try making batches of some of these herb blends to give away. Use decorative jars, and...
Herbs are always a welcome gift that will make good use of your stash of home grown or purchased herbs and spices. Try making batches of some of these herb blends to give away. Use decorative jars, and...
You may have been introduced to sage via your spice cabinet, but it was an herbal remedy long before it became popular for culinary use. Sage was a medicinal go-to herb for the ancient Greeks and Romans,...
Holiday Note from the Herb Gardener: If you are a lover of the environment, please consider going green this Christmas by sending e-cards, buying wrapping paper made from recycled stock, and conserving...
Sweet Woodruff is a beautiful little herb with delicate leaves that grow in tight whorls. It makes an attractive groundcover, and has the reputation of being invasive, but it's shallow rooted so easily...
Ocean Shores Real Estate UpdateOctober '07 versus October '06 in Ocean Shores29 homes sold in October 2006 for an average sales price of $207,778 or $145 selling price per square foot versus 25 Homes...
Willow bark has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years and has chemical properties that are being tested for their immune boosting, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain reducing capabilities....
I just brought my aloe vera plants indoors for the winter. I bring them in before the first frost and leave them in a westerly facing window until spring. I only water two to three times during winter,...
‘Tis the season to sniff and cough, and when the inevitable cold or flu comes calling, you are going to be looking for fast relief. Before you run to the pharmacy, check your kitchen cupboard for useful...