A kind reader pointed out that I glossed over the seed part of basil harvesting, so I thought I'd give you an easy visual. The first photo is a basil spike after the flowers have dried up and the spike...
A kind reader pointed out that I glossed over the seed part of basil harvesting, so I thought I'd give you an easy visual. The first photo is a basil spike after the flowers have dried up and the spike...
Choosing a method for harvesting parsley is always a judgment call. Parsley is the little black dress of the herb patch. It can work with lots and lots of dishes, is a very green, bushy little plant...
Sometimes paint just isn't the way to go...and yes, I know what I'm saying. Case in point: this chair (scroll to the end of the post). It has been restored to it's 1884 glory, and that's just as it...
Harvesting basil for winter access is fragrant fun. Your patch of fresh basil, catnip, parsley, oregano and rosemary can be bountiful contributors to your winter herb stash if you have a few hours...
The admonition ". . .and don’t let the bed bugs bite." was never truer than it is today when super pesticide resistant bedbugs are taking a bite out of a record number of unprotected sleepers. Barring...
My friend "D" wanted a BIG memo board to organize some of her office stuff--and make it pretty. Censational Girl posted some great instructions on how to make one here, so off I went!"D" wanted her memo...
Life has been extra busy lately, but something that has me feeling good is the completion of a new project--another bench! I found this treasure at a garage sale:Isn't she purty?? Let me just say that...
And I don’t mean in decorating! Thought I’d take you on a trip to the past…follow me through my growing up years and right on into today! I was organizing my folders on my computer and putting some...