This past weekend my family gathered for a niece’s wedding and a brief reunion. As part of our reunions, we always have a family raffle. Several people contribute items, and tickets are $1/each. ...
This past weekend my family gathered for a niece’s wedding and a brief reunion. As part of our reunions, we always have a family raffle. Several people contribute items, and tickets are $1/each. ...
Hi all…for anyone coming to the Lititz Craft Show on August 11thI hope to see you and also I’m offering this coupon worth 20% off your purchase! As a reminder I’m in space D-54, in the 200 block of Main...
Please welcome Pamela from From My Front Porch to Yours for Day 8 of Christmas in July!******************************************** Hi my name is Pamela and I am from over at From My Front Porch To...
Please welcome Linsey from The Farmhouse Porch for Day 7 of Christmas in July! **************************************** Howdy gals! Linsey here from The Farmhouse Porch. My project for "Christmas in...
Did you ever hear the term before? It’s a biblical term about ‘Judas’ “Keeper Of The Money Bag”…well in my son/dil’s house it’s their dog KEEPER…he decided to feast on my grandson’s coin stash –...