THIS IS WHAT I WOKE UP TO THIS MORNING.....What a wonderful site to be woken up to!
Many mornings between 6 and 6:30 a.m. we are awakend by a 'phooosh, phoosh' sound coming from outside and we know exactly what it is....HOT AIR BALLOONS!
We live very close to our very little airport and they offer rides daily.
We also live at the top of a very high hill, and the airport is only blocks away so by the time they are up there, actuallly they are only like yards and yards above us so we can see them clearly...many a mornings we go out to the driveway and watch them go over. It's a site I never tire of.
Actually the closest one we ever had was on the 4th of July and we actually could see and talk to the people....what a treat.
Here's the picture I snapped this morning!

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