Today was a day of taking photos, working on my website, as well as finishing up a set of Mug Mats for a customer, mailing 5 orders and even time left over for my Blog. I’m bushed! Some days just work smoothly while others you just spin your wheels, flap your arms and spin in place.
I was mentioning in my last post that I purchased some very special items at this Crafter’s Mall in the Wisconsin Dells so I finally got the pictures taken of them.
Jeanne makes these wonderful Primitive items but doesn’t have a website, just her great little space at the mall and I drool every time I’m there - it’s called Farmhouse Gatherings
I told her if anyone saw something they liked that I showed here, I’d send them her e-mail and possibly she would have more.
And PRIMITIVE is the word for her products and ALL MADE BY HER.
So on with the show….

This darling fabric covered pantry box holds 6 of the most wonderful scented cakes - cinnamon and vanilla. I also purchased the round pantry cake and the grungy pantry cloth awhile back from her booth.

I couldn’t resist this darling soap bag - the colors she has been using has lots of Aqua…can you tell? Most everything I bought from her lately has the color in it and I LOVE IT.

The candles on the wire were bought prior to this trip as well - I fell in love with them immediately.
And this time I bought two taper candles. Each one is slipped inside a cute fabric sleeve with a rusty pin and old button.

We also shopped at this great little shop in Tomah, WI called The Market Place
I bought this bundle of wool….well, it’s actually the innards of cotton batting and wrapped in grungy cheesecloth and all tied up with some Aqua ticking fabric….cute huh?

I also purchase a grungy bag with Cornmeal printed on it - not sure what’s in the bag but it smells pretty good.

I also found this wonderful cotton 46 x 46 Table Square made by Family Heirloom Weavers….got it for $25.00.…HUH???? Yep, $25.00

When we all went for lunch the day we shopped we saw this darling store next to the restaurant called Gatherings and well worth the wait while we had lunch…I didn’t buy much but what I did get I love and will go back.
One thing was this round braided table mat and also a YUMMY Lavender scented soap. Here’s the link to the brand….OMGosh it’s just wonderful.

And last but not least we hit a thrift shop and for $3.56 I got this little bunch of crafting goodies. 2 pieces of muslin, a yard of printed fabric, a piece of blue ticking and a pkg of bells I can rust.
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