I started a PictureTrail this weekend with all my favorite things I love to look at: http://www.picturetrail.com/kmprimitives
Now if you go to it you'll not see a link back to the albums...not sure how to fix that. Anyone know????
But if you go there, there are 6 different albums. So here's just a small peek at what doesn't show in some of the pictures I post and what doesn't show in the magazine article.
I have also been very busy with orders - they still are coming in and I'm grateful for that....and I'm still not tired of all that sewing. On days when I'm not sewing my mind keeps saying 'get back to it'....now that's just not right - my mind doesn't even take a break.
Oh the mess outside! The city is tearing up the street from our corner and up the hill - there are huge pieces of machinery everywhere.
So now that the temps are in the 70's and my dining room - right there in the front - is all new and clean I can't even open the windows for nice fresh clean air and this will be going on for a at least a good week!!! Next comes the wonderful smell of tar!!!!! Uhg!
But here's the strange thing....I LOVE IT! I really love seeing all sorts of activity and progress. I love hearing the lawn mowers, hammers on roofs, sometimes, not always....dogs barking if it's in the distance....I just love knowing life goes on....the quite is peaceful, but it's also a lonely sound.
I had a giggle when I saw this guy cleaning his windows and I asked myself 'Why????" LOl Can you see him???

Hope you are enjoying yourself this early Spring day and that the weather is great where you are and you can have alllllll your windows open!!!
Thanks for being with me today.
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