Last week I was in Pennsylvania (anyone surprised! LOL) for the Buyers Wholesale Show at Valley Forge and I found this beautiful Robin's Egg Blue Mitten Box - I thought it would look nicer than the shelf...
Last week I was in Pennsylvania (anyone surprised! LOL) for the Buyers Wholesale Show at Valley Forge and I found this beautiful Robin's Egg Blue Mitten Box - I thought it would look nicer than the shelf...
I've already written about my love for repurposing objects like bowls, pots and pans as plant containers. One way to integrate these finds into the garden is to encourage a natural layer of moss to grow...
This is a fast and easy summer dish. If you'd prefer, you can cook it on the grill instead of in the oven; just coat the fish with a little olive oil and butter, and clean/oil the grill.Baked Tilapia...
And what better way than with the very British "Pimms Cup".The anglophile in me would naturally glom onto this summer staple of the highbrow set. Wimbledon proudly sells 80,000 half-pints each year. What...
A few thoughts for this warm weekend.How to Treat Mosquito BitesMosquitoes are coming out in force around my house. To help reduce the irritation of a mosquito bite, rub any of these household, garden...
Lime Balm makes a light refreshing tea that will settle your stomach and help you relax. With its natural lime aroma, it's tasty both hot and cold. Although you can find dried lemon balm at your local...
Lime balm (Melissa officinalis ''lime") is a perennial herb that shares many characteristics with its cousin lemon balm. It is as easy to grow but has a distinct limey fragrance.Growing Lime Balm in...
For a wonderful photo of St. Johns Wort, visit Earth and Tree. Hedgewitch has a delightful blog and makes clay jewelry too. Her clay impressions of herb leaves are stunning little gems. I own one myself.If...
Making your own organic herbal shampoo is simple and inexpensive. Best of all, you can tailor it to meet your own needs and tastes.Organic Herbal Shampoo RecipeTwo cups of distilled water1 1/2 tsp. Soapwort...
Smarten up your kitchen cabinets or wood furniture with baby oil. Just wipe it on, leave it for a few minutes, and then wipe off the residue. Make it part of a maintenance program by prepping your...
"In union there is strength" AesopThis year, 2009, is my 20th year in business. The...
Our youngest grandson, Aidan, turned one on Saturday and we went to his party - it had to be one of the hottest days this week as well - man it was hot! But we all had a wonderful time.Unfortunately their...
I hope you enjoyed this morning's Summer Solstice. It was early, so the possums probably beat you to it! Today will be the longest day and shortest night of the year. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere,...
Growing your own saffron (Crocus Sativus) is easier than you think and can add some spicy and refined taste to your dishes. Pound for pound, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.Don't confuse...
Distilled water is water that has been evaporated and then cooled back to a liquid. During the process of transforming into a gas, chemicals and microorganisms are left behind and the final product is...
For a taste of the subtle pleasures of a spring garden, try fried zucchini blossoms. You won't find these in the grocery store. They're a special reward for the vegetable gardener. So enjoy one of...
Making your own rose wine can be a hoot. It takes a while, but like making beer, especially if you like to experiment with the recipe like I do, you never know quite what you're going to end up with.The...
This beautiful setting is the gardens surrounding the pool at Vicky Wauterlek's home, founder of 'Hands of Hope'.Annually she opens her gardens along with several other generous homeowners in the bucolic...
I take a perverse pleasure in finding ways to recycle grocery store produce and grow it in my garden. You'd think I'd stop being so tickled and indulge my curiosity some other way than by sticking a...
Where dandelions are concerned, if you can't beat them, eat them.Adding a few dandelion greens to your favorite pasta salad is a fast and easy way to give your salad some nutritional muscle.Dandelion...
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is good for you, and even if you hate it in the yard, its bitter taste can be addictive. Remember, when you drank your first beer or glass of wine, you probably thought...
Imagine this for a moment; you are a new blogger, you collect pictures for months, the thrill of a lifetime...............yes, for me it was...............Eddie Ross is in town and he has accepted an...
I did a lot of business shopping last week in Pennsylvania but you must know by now I always save a little money for something fun!We purchased a birdhouse from Primitives By Kathys about 3 years ago...
I was delighted by an article I read yesterday on The New York Times website feed. It's entitled: The Joy of Less. If you have a second, take a look.It seems that many of my gardening adventures,...
Harvest young leaves in spring and process for different teas.Black Tea - Taken from new growth in spring.Bruise leaves by rubbing them between your palms. They should discolor to a reddish brown.Spread...
Originally tea was produced from the Camellia sinensis plant, a variety of camellia. Tea has been cultivated in China for centuries (2009 estimates put it at around 5,000 years).Standard teas, not herbal...
You don't have to buy essential oil to get the fragrance and benefits of lavender oil in your bath, sachet, and even in your cooking. Use your fresh lavender buds to make an olive oil infused mixture...
Peppers don't take up much space in the garden, but provide a good per-plant harvest and can be used in lots of different ways. You can also employ some creative preservation methods that will offer...
This past week I was in Lancaster, PA for a round of shopping, checking on the motel for THE GATHERING and attending a Graduation party....all went great! Well, all except the weather...RAIN EVERYDAY...
Momma and Baby down by Damon PointBoardwalk Shops filling up!New Fire Station Going up!New store with a cool fa...