Last week I was in Pennsylvania (anyone surprised! LOL) for the Buyers Wholesale Show at Valley Forge and I found this beautiful Robin's Egg Blue Mitten Box - I thought it would look nicer than the shelf I had in its place by our door...cute isn't it? I think so!
And get husband thinks he's actually going to put winter hats and mittens/gloves in there! lol
I bought a few other items but have them all packed in containers for my home show - sorry I didn't take pictures but I like to have my customers have a surprise at show time.
On Tuesday's during the summer we have two of our grandchildren and last week Grandpa bought them a cookbook so they/we can make lunch or treats when they come.
They take turns picking out a recipe and by the next Tuesday I have all the ingredients for it...and then the other one chooses something for the next week. It's fun and they learn as well.
Today they picked Grubs and Bugs made with tiny Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, Pillsbury Crescent rolls and pretzels for legs!
Joe with his

I hope you all haven't expected too much from me lately - I just don't seem to have time for anything except sewing - it even went to PA with me...each evening in the room I would relax and stitch away.

I hope you all haven't expected too much from me lately - I just don't seem to have time for anything except sewing - it even went to PA with me...each evening in the room I would relax and stitch away.
After getting home late Friday night from my trip (oh, Doug was in California while I was in PA and he got home in the wee hours of the morning) on Saturday we had a birthday party to go to all day for our son's Mother In-Law and then all day Sunday it was a graduation party for my nieces son.
Aidan and mommy at his grammies birthday party
Our whole family (minus Darren, MaryAnn and Aidan - they still had overnight birthday guests/family)
My family and my brothers family and our Step parents - the graduation boy is in the front in the green shirt - he's a big one. That's Alex!
Our step dad, sister in law, brother, step mom, me, Doug
I'm going to try and be more conscious about posting on here - but don't wager bets...I'm GOING TO TRY!
NOTE: Lately I've been having trouble with my lower back again so I had to call off the GATHERING OF FRIENDS...I'm not sure what's happening with it right now so I didn't want to get all the gals there and not show up. This was the wisest and only thing I could do.
Hugs and thanks for visiting me again.
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