I first have to announce the winner of my 200th post!
KRIS from http://simplyprim.blogspot.com/
Congratulations Kris - please e-mail me with your mailing address.
Here's what you won
A Bird-Make-Do - hand made by me - my design
And a lovely Willow candle - not made by me...lol

Monday we spent the day bringing out some of our Fall items for the new photo shoot - wow this is early but I'm not putting it all away and bringing out the summer again it's just not worth it and anyway the weather hasn't been very summerish anyway so this feels right
I updated my picturetrail with more photos last night after taking pictures of the changes - you can find it here: http://www.picturetrail.com/kmprimitives
This is in one corner of our kitchen - I know Lavender isn't fall but it works with the blue glass jars
Doug also put a coffee label on an old coffee jar we bought at a rummage sale last week - and then put in a fake center and filled around with coffee beans...great huh?

We bought another coffee jar at the same rummage sale but larger and I thought it made a great pantry cake jar (which is how I will display them for sale at my Home Show!)....and I put on a great label
We bought another coffee jar at the same rummage sale but larger and I thought it made a great pantry cake jar (which is how I will display them for sale at my Home Show!)....and I put on a great label
Here's the gathering with the two jars and a shoo-fly screen with some pantry cakes under it with grungy cheesecloth around them....I love how it all turned out
This is just a pot of drieds by our garage door
This is just a pot of drieds by our garage door
I re-draped my Tobacco cloth panels in our dining room and I like them a lot better - it does make the room darker but I am going to keep them that way for awhile
These are the front windows in the dining room
Doug's dresser - I never know how to decorate dresser tops - they are my problem spots but I bought some faux sunflowers and black eyed Susan's awhile back as well as the pitcher so thought it would work
I have a special running this month on my website...
I would also like to ask anyone who wants to be on my Newsletter mailing list to send me an e-mail at I try and get them out at least by the end of the first week of each month.
I also put on a Tips/Technique for making Pantry Cakes
With more new things to come.
Visit me at www.kmprimitives.com
Thanks for visiting my blog....
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