I can’t believe I’m doing two posts so close together but I have so much sewing to do and housework and laundry and the list goes on…so I wanted to do this before time got away from me.
I don’t know where the cabinet is going yet because there are several places I want it – a few minutes ago I set it on top of our Gentleman’s dresser and I really like it there but there’s a peg rack all around the room so not sure how that will work – I can’t get the cabinet close enough to the wall unless I pull a couple of pegs out which might happen.
Here are the treasures we bought.
This is a Carolina Cabinet in Gun Metal Gray but it has a hint of blue in it too….but I guess that is what gun metal gray is after all
close up of latch
close up of latch
I have been searching everywhere on the internet for a Tin Book Clip and Judy had just one left in her shop so I hung onto that baby with a good grip because there were other shoppers in there and we all liked the same things!
close up
close up

Now this caught my eye and it was the last one Judy had as well so I hung onto it too! lol I’m going to hopefully try and order 5 more for my dining room chairs.
Side view

Side view

This is just a darling little Tin Cupboard Candle – really don’t know what it is called but I thought it was cute.
We also stopped at a very eclectic shop in downtown Princeton called TWISTER: http://www.twisterontheweb.com/content/ – we saw the shop was open so we went in and started looking around and no one came out to greet us – we could hear people upstairs and a vacuum going and we were in there for well over a half hour just enjoying the merchandise and making up all kinds of stories about why it was vacated of a shop owner or worker…you don’t want to hear all the things we were thinking…our minds were running like crazy to the point we all couldn’t help but laugh at what we were saying…so we decided no one was coming to our aid and we didn’t want to be in there if the police showed up! LOL
Just as we were getting to our vehicle the owner came out…he heard the bell ding when we left so he called us back in.
He had been in his apartment doing some remodeling and didn’t hear us.
He said it’s such a great little town and all the shop owners are so nice and trusting and what a nice feeling it was…so we shopped some more.
Just as we were getting to our vehicle the owner came out…he heard the bell ding when we left so he called us back in.
He had been in his apartment doing some remodeling and didn’t hear us.
He said it’s such a great little town and all the shop owners are so nice and trusting and what a nice feeling it was…so we shopped some more.
I purchased this wonderful set of Hand Wash and Hand Cream by Cucina Fruits & Passion – it has a wonderful fresh scent of Coriander and Olive. We tried the hand cream and it really is wonderful…When I’d get a whiff of the scent I said it smelled like I had money! Yeah, right!
We also stopped at an Antique place and I got 4 old cutters – the price tags were $2.00 each but she let me have them for $6.00
I hope you enjoyed my shopping trip!
Mercantile Gathering Magazine sold below….
Mercantile Gathering Magazine sold below….
Thanks to all who ordered one.
Please enjoy your day!
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