My big old window has been glaring at me balefully since...oh...about Christmas. It got decorations for a few days around Valentine's Day (that was after decorations were 50% off!) and then a cute banner for the baby shower. But what next??
My cute neighbor sent me a link to The Sweetest Occasion, which showed an Anthropologie-inspired garland.
Here's my version.
I started by going through my stash of yarn, ribbon, burlap, etc. I did purchase four sheets of felt ($1.00 total) at Hobby Lobby. I braided yarns, ribbons, and strips of burlap. I cut circles out of felt and strung them on yarn...
And then I played with draping all my creations over my window.
Here's Option 1:
...And Option 2:
Which way to you like better, if at all? Everything hanging individually, or gathered together?
My husband calls this my "Modern Art Masterpiece" (and I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic). But you know what? *I* like it! I like the interesting combination of textiles and shapes!
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