I am late again.......landscape season does that, my head is barely attached. And, this is a very important post, which should have gone out last week. So if in the 'hood, come by, you can't miss this one.......a book signing with Fifi O'Neill
The Editor
THE book
This is not Fifi's first book and with another in the making, this popular author is in demand. Wait until you lay eyes on her BOHO outfit found for the occasion
And shockingly the first run is out-of-stock, and it was just released. An unheard of phenomena in publishing today. Don't worry, we have stock.
Fifi lives the life she writes about in her Florida cottage
next two images via 52 flea blog
What additionally makes this exciting locally is that a deer (private silly joke) friend Joy Wiltmire and her lovely daughter Angela Reed are prominently featured.

Joy is the author of the popular blog Savvy City Farmer, ahead of the curve Joy began her blog over five years ago.
That smile is always there
her and husband Don refinished the kitchen to this beauty
The original intent was to complete this post on Mother's Day. I am so intrigued with Mother daughter relationships, particularly a creative and sometimes collaborate one. I asked both Joy and Angela to respond to my multiple questions last minute, they kindly complied, I promptly failed to assemble, but this interesting story will be repeated at a later date.
When I was headed to Joy's for the first time the addresses were hard to see, then this home appeared. I said to Steve "knowing her, this is Joy's home" and it was. I did not "close my dropped jaw until we left. See for yourself in the book
With a talent for display, these ladies have their 'Shop the Shed' events in Joy's gardens.
As in the books title 'Romantic Prairie Style' does your home possess a magical, comfortable, romantic soul? Inspiration is in abundance here.
The lovely Angela.
In her blog, her home and lifestyle brings forth COVET in me, oh to live a sweet, old fashioned, "Frenchified' and fashionable lifestyle, all lovingly crafted for her and her family.
Take a visit to the Parisienne Farmgirl blog. If you like to cook, the recipes are mouthwatering, and her children......oh those children, are cute beyond measure, truly.
Where Mom loves neutrals, Angela is attracted to COLOR and in interesting mixes.
French macaroons are a speciality and available for custom orders.
Tomorrow, thursday from 2pm to 5pm we will celebrate the accomplishments of three very talented women, you will love meeting them. Refreshments and a parting gift to all that come.
It would not be the same without you
Side notes; Our England tour has one more room available, perfect for girlfriends, maybe sisters!
Our long time manager recently left unexpectedly.....
Here's a phrase not often heard
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