I made a beadboard sign for a dear friend of mine, and she posted about it on her blog! Isn’t this the most amazing chicken coop you’ve ever seen?? And it’s CUTE! Who knew chicken coops could be cute??...
I made a beadboard sign for a dear friend of mine, and she posted about it on her blog! Isn’t this the most amazing chicken coop you’ve ever seen?? And it’s CUTE! Who knew chicken coops could be cute??...
Sunday we headed to our favorite Flea Market and are always on the lookout for Pewter…I normally can find one piece at least. Well this time there was a table full – 18 pieces actually but I only bought...
Have you ever screwed up? I mean, really screwed up…on something that didn’t belong to you? It’s one thing when a project of your own goes south. That’s bound to happen once in a while, and it’s no...
Rick Perry ArchitectSomething has overtaken me, and quite suddenly. Having always enjoyed elements of Neo-Classical interiors, I am now embracing the entire look. What do you think of this room? The muted...
That’s right! On this day, 38 years ago, a 10-pound baby girl was born, and she turned out to be…ME! This morning my six children awakened me by singing “Happy Birthday,” delivering this to my bed: ...