I tried to find a title for my post this week but I have so many odds and ends to post about that nothing would come to mind – so I thought of naming it for the first picture I’m posting – not one of my favorite topics – in fact I’m deathly afraid of these creatures.
For the life of me I don’t know why I allowed these to get this big – guilt about destroying it maybe ? Nope – just a HUSBAND who refused to destroy the web. And me who wouldn’t go near it to get rid of it. So it grew and grew and grew. Until this morning when I finally won out…no more spider webs and now I can clean off the porch! See the little creature crawling up to the left corner there….ICK!!!!
On to better things….
I designed a new Pumpkin Penny Rug yesterday – I left a free space at the top so a lamp, basket, candle or whatever can sit and not cover up the design…and the size is perfect – 13-1/2 x 14-1/2 inches.
If interested, click on photo to be taken to my website page.
Last week we stopped in a shop that was a temporary one – she had it open for Maxwell Street Days and we were on our way to get groceries so decided to stop in. Very glad because I found this wonderful 1800’s Glass and Pewter Syrup Pitcher – and the lid is hinged. I really didn’t know there were syrup pitchers but after doing research on them I found there are quite a few styles out there. I paid just $12.00 for this one and saw that some were selling for $50 - $150. Mine probably isn’t rare enough to in that category but it’s still lovely to me.
We have a Farmer’s Market downtown on Thursday afternoon/evening and the produce there is wonderful. There’s one who sells the best Sweet Corn…nice light yellow-white kernels, sweet, juicy and they snap when you bite into them. We have had corn the last 3 Thursday nights – I think I’m about done in with that menu now – time to move on but when you find something that’s really good it’s hard to give it up knowing you won’t get it again until the next growing season.
And as tradition since our boys were wee ones (grown and gone now) – we always set a picnic table of plastic ware when we ate Sweet Corn. I guess it came from them being small, corn being messy and a bit greasy with the butter so the tradition continues with just the two of us.
We have just grilled hamburger patties and normally sliced tomatoes – but last night I forgot to slice them up! And all on plastic…not very pretty but it is easy to clean up.We did get some super wonderful Pinwheel pastries at market too – these are Cheesecake Raspberry.
So it’s just a very simple supper when we have corn.![]()
A blog friend, Margie, from Hungry Hook Primitives had a wool sale last week and I lucked out on getting two bundles of very nice dark Primitive colors and a bunch of cut strips of wool for my rug hooking. I’m anxious for her next sale…hope my fingers are fast enough on the keyboard to lay claim to more before it’s all gone. http://hungryhookprimitives.blogspot.com/
So now that we have had some wonderful cool weather it has put me in the mood to go through my craft/office room upstairs – when working with fabrics you find many, many dust bunnies hiding in places you can’t see…so it was a day to pull everything out of the room, clean and also clean the carpet.
The closet got an overhaul as well. I put a stainless steel shelf unit in there and put all my supplies I don’t use often and kept the other shelves in the room for all the things I use daily – and it freed up space as well so now my chair fits in the corner better too on days I want to sit up there and sew.
It’s not the fanciest of work spaces but it is fine for what I need.![]()
All my Wool Felt I work with for my Penny Rugs
And now I also have a place for my Rug Hooking Wool and patterns that before were in plastic bins on the floor under the tables. I like being able to see my Wool so I know what to choose fromAre you bored yet???
Last Sunday or son/dil took us out on the judging boat for the Yacht Club – both are judges and they have to set up the course before hand – it was a horribly hot day but there was a nice strong wind – which actually was great for sailing but horrible for trying to find the wind direction to set up the course. But it did get done and they only got one race in (normally 2) because it started to get stormy looking and then thunder and it’s the judges call to cancel if they feel it’s too bad…so it was cancelled. But a fun time for the first race.
The sailboats are so graceful looking out there but it’s such hard work!
Well, it’s not hard work for me…just sit and back and relax!!!!![]()
This is one of the homes on an island on the lake – it’s one of my favorite things. Isn’t she a beauty!
Dan and Jamie getting ready to start the race
Hope you enjoyed your sail!!!
And now one last thing…you know the game ‘Where’s Waldo’?
Well, where’s ‘Baby’?
Honest to goodness I head something I couldn’t make out the sound one day last week when I was sewing…kept hearing this kind of scratching noise, not very loud and so I got up and started checking on things and this is what I found – she was laying on a shelf behind the Geraniums. isn’t she a hoot?![]()
Thanks for visiting me today.
Blessings to allKaren
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