I haven’t had a lot of computer time this past week and have missed visiting my friends..please know that I do get to you eventually…there are just so many of you that I love.
I do want to thank everyone who visits me and leaves such sweet comments…I only wish we could get BLOG CONVENTION going so we could all meet one day…how fun would that be – but it would have to be in a location with lots of Prim shopping because there isn’t much around me! So who’s up for organizing!!!!
Oh…remember I said about the new ‘gadget’ for getting notice of new blog posts…well I unsubscribed because they come to my e-mail more than a day late notice…some even later than that …not sure why it takes so long to get notice. But it’s a great idea huh?
Before anything today I need/want to say A HUGE THANK YOU TO DAN OVER AT ‘YESTERDAY ONCE MORE’… http://dan-yesterdayoncemore.blogspot.com/
I WON HIS DRAWING FOR A YEARS SUBSCRIPTION OF ‘A PRIMITIVE PLACE COUNTRY JOURNAL AND MAGAZINE’….how fun is that…THANK YOU SO MUCH DAN AND THANK YOU ‘JEFF’ FOR DRAWING MY NAME…and funny thing is a couple years ago he drew my name for a gift Dan was giving away over at the Country Sampler forum…I will look forward to receiving my subscription…YEAHHHH.
I also have got my special gifts together for Angie…she sent me the quilt tops and extra surprises…I won’t show you what it is…I’ll let her do it and I do think she will like it – I’m pretty sure I got her style correct and chose some things she’ll love. So watch for it this next week Angie!!!
Been busy working on new designs this week…one of the reasons I’ve been away from the computer.
I think I fell in love with this the minute I started cutting it out. I call it “Ewe Following Me?”
It measures a great 12 inches around and the sheep are pure felted wool…so puffy
You can see it also on the left sidebar and click on it to go to the site.
So this is Super Bowl Sunday tomorrow…well, needless to say I’m not rooting with all my heart for any particular team being my Packers BLEW IT!!!!
But I did make a big pot of Bean with Ham soup and some Cranberry Walnut Bread…hope I can hold off till Sunday to eat it!
Actually I probably can hold off eating this until tomorrow evening because this evening we are going to a ‘50’s Diner’ to celebrate our grandson Joe’s 12th birthday…he loves this restaurant so that’s were we’re all meeting.
Oh something else I’m working on are Traditional Penny Rugs…still need to put a backing on it but I love the colors in it.
In the process of deciding what color combinations to use

Oh I had so much fun this week finding new Amish reading for my Kindle…I searched for ‘free Amish books on Kindle’ and some came up for free but there was a whole series…8 to be exact called “Amish Knitting Circle”…they were only .99 cents each! I bought them all…they are very short…only takes me less than an hour to read a book but they all flow into each other for one big story – basically each one is a chapter…I love them and quick reading.
See ya…enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday…
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