I had placed an order from Hammelman's last week for some Sweet Annie and some Lavender and today it arrived. I could smell the aroma before I even got the box opened - oh my I didn't know how beautiful...
I had placed an order from Hammelman's last week for some Sweet Annie and some Lavender and today it arrived. I could smell the aroma before I even got the box opened - oh my I didn't know how beautiful...
I used a Random Number Generated system for the winner of my 100th post and here's what came up when I did the RNG: Random numbers generated Apr 30 2009 at 19:35:24 by www.psychicscience.org.Free educational...
Imagine creating something as complicated as a nest without hands.Mother birds everywhere are busy creating nests for her precious eggs with a skilled beak. ...
Good morning everyone...yes, I'm still here.But I think you can all guess what I've been doing....NOPE, not the dining room...I've been sewing orders. Since the magazine article it hasn't slowed down...
Encouraging butterflies and hummingbirds to share in your herb bounty will add dimension to your gardening efforts, give your flying garden friends a welcome place to rest or a meal, and embrace the unexpected...
I finally got my camera out today to finish taking pictures of things I have been not able to do. I won these adorable Prim Pillow Tucks from Cindy of http://cynthialeedesigns.wordpress.com/ but I don't...
Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana)Stevia is a delicate perennial that should be planted in light, sandy soil with a neutral pH. Give it full sun and wait to transplant it until the soil warms up in spring. ...
This is one long process I must say!It has been two weeks today since we started the dining room re-make but yesterday the floor was layed.Our daughter in-laws brother is a floor installer so he said...
As I was reading the comments on my 100th post I noticed several of you don't have a blog and didn't leave me an e-mail to notify you in the event you won!!!!Soooo - if you are one of them can you go...
Not a whole lot happening here today - but thought I'd post the 2nd phase of the dining room re-do.My brother came over Easter Sunday evening so he would be here bright and early on Monday to help paint...
Spring Time means Whale Migration Time!It's starting to look a lot like spring with daffodils blooming and new leaves taking shape on the trees. Along the coast, spring time means whale time! The season...
Today I celebrate my 100th post! I joined blogging in December of 2007 but forgot all about it until this past summer so, YES, I’m a chatty person as you can tell but look where it got me….lots of new...
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) is an herb with some very powerful marketing connections. A sweetener extracted from stevia is making waves in the United States these days. This is probably a bit of a surprise...
Well girls it's getting close....OMGosh - this is my 99th post!I still don't know exactly what it is that will be in my surprise package for my 100th post but you will like it I'm sure.A couple weeks...
I see this is my 98th post - imagine that!Soooo close to my 100th and counting so what am I going to do.....hmmmmmGuess you all will have to check back and keep wondering...lolIs it going to be a Give...