I finally got my camera out today to finish taking pictures of things I have been not able to do.
I won these adorable Prim Pillow Tucks from Cindy of http://cynthialeedesigns.wordpress.com/ but I don't have them 'tucked' where I want them but I did so want to share my winning from her.

And I also bought and received an adorable doll from Robin - I purchased it from her through Lemon Poppyseed (and through Robby of http://gloryriverprimitives-robby.blogspot.com/ they have a sale going together).
I have to say I do not remember Robins last name but she did a wonderful job on this adorable doll. But thank you Robin for shipping this to me so quickly.

I sewed all day again and was pooped tonight and Doug was on a day run and on the way home he stopped at Panera and brought home my favorite dinner from there....Asian Chicken Salad and Chicken w/wildrice soup....it doesn't get much better than that! Yummmmm.
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