Today I celebrate my 100th post! I joined blogging in December of 2007 but forgot all about it until this past summer so, YES, I’m a chatty person as you can tell but look where it got me….lots of new friends and a chance to share some of my designs with you….so if you want to win this gathering of goodies I have for you just post your comments.
I do ask that you don’t put this on your blog as I want my followers and those who ‘find’ my blog through other blogs or on their own to be eligible….and I welcome all new followers!!!
I will draw the name of the lucky person on May 9th - early in the morning, one month from today!
Look at the bottom for the goodies you will win.
I have found through blogging that most of us are so much alike - we all love the past - and we bring it to the present to work for us in a decorative way unlike our ancestors who used these items for general daily living….thanks to them we can decorate our homes in much the same way they did but with all the modern conveniences thrown in.
Now on to the meeting this past weekend about my new business venture….IT’S A GO!
I rather knew from the moment Linda and I talked that this would work but we still needed to meet each other and work out details.
Linda and a friend of hers, Kathy, arrived here Friday around 4ish - we felt as if we already knew each other - do you ever feel that way about someone you have never met, but finally did after e-mails and phone calls? Linda is from Ellwood City, PA near Pittsburgh.
Well, they no more got here than we had to eat dinner because we needed to be out of the house by 5:45 to go to our granddaughters play and our new found friends joined us….I was so happy they said they would love to go with us because I felt horrible about having to leave them an hour after they arrived - so all worked out well. I do believe they enjoyed the play….it was ‘Tom Sawyer’.
Then Saturday we talked and planned the entire day - coming up with an arrangement that suited us both.
She will do in-home parties much like the Pampered Chef, Tupperware idea. Hopefully starting sometime in May if I can get my product line made up and sent to her by then. It’s a rather full schedule ahead of me but I think I’m up for it.

Me and Linda...yes, I look tired - it's very early in the a.m. because they were ready to head back home to PA and had a full days drive ahead of them
Isn't this rose just beautiful? We took roses to Emily on Friday night for after her performance in Tom Sawyere and our daughter in-law sent me this picture of one of them's the most beautiful one I've ever seen.
Well our floor isn’t in yet - it has been a busy time for Doug with getting all the nails and staples out of the floor, the tacking strip on the edges and ripping off old wood work for our new wide Colonial Pine. It's scheduled to be laid on Saturday the 18th.
Isn’t it so, that one thing leads to another? We had no intention of new woodwork but I think you all know what I’m talking about…..’well, as long as we’re doing this, why not blah-blah-blah…..we might be sorry later if we don‘t….blah-blah-blah” LOL Sometimes Doug just looks at me and I can tell what's going through his mind but I just turn around and pretend I didn't see the
So today Doug starts painting the new trim….his one thing he really detests doing. Normally it’s my job - I love painting and all the prep work he has been doing but it’s impossible with all the orders I have to work on.
Then Monday my brother is coming to help with painting the rooms walls, ceiling and stairway.
We debated for several days on whether to change out the color of the trim and walls to match the den and kitchen’s deep red but after talking we thought it would be best to have the room different plus we love the grayish green of the trim. But the walls will be a cream this time.
A set of 4 Beehive Mug Mat/Coasters
A Beehive Jar Candle Hugger

Thank you everyone for sticking with me and visiting my blog faithfully…without all of you and my new friends I wouldn’t be taking the time to do this.
Hugs to all.
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