The last two weeks it seems like all I’ve done is ride in cars and shop – but I’m told I do it well – Shop that is!
And proof of that is all I bought this past weekend. Just look at the haul.
Photo intensive post…beware!
After meeting up at the hotel on Thursday evening we all went off to get to bed so we could head out the next day.
Friday morning the 6 of us piled into our van and headed out – Doug likes to drive and we have a van so it was fun having us all in one vehicle.
It gave us all a good chance to get to know each other better and that we did…I think we all laughed more than we talked but it made for a great time.
First stop was Curry’s (their home wasn’t open this time) – they have the most beautiful setting I’ve ever seen – it sits on top of a hill and has several log cabins. They also bring in, restore and sell old log cabins.
The photos are of the shop, grounds and our group.
I’ll try and put the photos in order of how I took them
These adorable ‘cement’ snowmen were popping up every now and then.

Inside the little cabin ladies were giving demonstrations

Inside the Smithy Cabin

And off we go with purchases in hand

Jill Peterson was there doing a book signing of her newest book 'Homecoming’ and I bought one…Jill is as sweet as her face.
The 4 of us girls – Linda, Me, Sandy and Grace in back
The group
Doug and I
Linda and Ben (they came all the way from Florida! And I thought we drove far for things!
Grace in red from Lancaster, PA and Sandy from New York
From there we headed on over to Miller’s – the day just kept getting better and better.
Isn’t it just gorgeous????
This is one of the cabins from Curry’s
There are a couple shop photos and the rest their home
Click in photos to view full album
We were finished with all of this by 12:30 and decided to head to Waynesville, Ohio which was about 2 hours away but it was worth it.
We went to Olde Glory Antiques, Days Gone By and I think another one – all just wonderful.
We didn’t have time to go into the Wooden Sunflower – that’s going to be another trip – the shop looks fantastic:
Looks wonderful doesn’t it!!!1
Then it was back to the hotel. Grace and Sandy were supposed to go to the SG’s vendors dinner but were too late. Guess we took too much time in Waynesville. I felt so bad for them.
We all went to bed early Friday night so we could be up early to get in line. I know…we’re crazy but you know what? Getting in line with 26 degree temps at 6 a.m was more fun than you would think. We met many wonderfully crazy people like us – now how bad can that be???
Between the 6 of us we took turns going to some of the outside vendors and going back into the hotel lobby to warm up.
There was hot cider and donuts for those wanting it and a nice bon fire to keep everyone warm.
Here are a few outside photos – click in photos to view album
Here are a few friends I got to meet up with – many, many people but quite easy to find each other in the crowd.
Tiffany (Twigs) from Mercantile Gathering
Carmen from ‘Primcats House Blog’
Our group just before heading out on Friday’s power shopping!!
Ben got a small Make-Do chair in honor of his wife Linda finding her long awaited Make Do chair. He’s not crazy about those kind of chairs but being the sweet guy he is…he didn’t care if she bought it so Sandy gave him his own chair
Our last night together at Jakes
After dinner we all went back to our rooms and had Show & Tell (our purchases!)
Here are close-ups of my purchases
Click in photos to see all of album
Thank you Linda for these wonderful gifts:
And to you Sandy for your lovely gifts:
Grace…the dinner was so much appreciated and Ben…the gas was also appreciated!
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My husband and I haven't had so much fun with 'friends' in a very long time...there were 6 people with the same kindred spirit – even the men enjoyed themselves and provided us with some very funny moments...we just meshed that’s the best way I can put it.
And the only person Doug and I had ever met in our group was Grace...I've chatted with Linda through e-mails but that was it, and Sandy we never knew before then.
THANK YOU GRACE, SANDY, LINDA AND BEN for sharing this wonderful weekend with us.
There were more laughs, wrong turns, driving in the wrong direction and 'OPPS' coming from our mouths...but it all made for a wonderful memory.
On Sunday morning we headed back to Wisconsin, Ben and Linda back to Florida, Grace to Pennsylvania and Sandy to New York…
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Hope you all enjoyed this weekend with us through these pictures.
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