It’s Saturday afternoon and I have been on the sofa with the heat on my lower back…yes, still at it.
So as I sit here relaxing I am trying to drown out the College Football on TV. Not that I don’t like it or support it, I DO – but there has been ONLY THAT for days now! Hoping Wisconsin goes all the way and to the Rose Bowl. (Yeahhhhh they won!) Badger Football - University of Wisconsin, Madison
I’ve been sewing up a storm too – finishing orders and making some new Pillows.
I bought some remnants from Family Heirloom Weaver’s at market in October and didn’t really know what I was going to do with them.
Friday while Doug was at a football game I made 14 of these cuties..several of them are promised out already but will hopefully get some more made after Thanksgiving. I have another red/taupe and a solid taupe left similar to the one shown.
These are the two colors I made – still have to stitch the bottoms
I made a special order one for my best friend Renea – she wanted one with a branch instead.
Yesterday we had some shopping to do and so stopped at Goodwill to see if I could find some Pewter Creamer and Sugars – sometimes they have them but not this time but I did find a darling woven seat double rocker (toy size) and at Christmas I’m going to put my Antique bear on it and a Santa hat on the Bear.
I put it on my bench for now – looks okay I think
Also found these darling bowls for my kitties dinners ($1.00) and two wonderful Ironstone pieces - a gravy boat and a pitcher (1.00 each)…. White serving pieces go with everything.
Also purchased 4 yards of decorator fabric for our holiday table cloth. When it’s 50% off at JoAnn’s I take advantage of it and the fabric works the best because it’s so wide.
Also we had a 30% Kohl’s coupon and took advantage of it and bought flatware. Plus it was already on sale so they ended up being $22.00 per box. Great deal huh…and we needed some badly – well not badly, just wanted it badly…
I’m showing the larger picture of the flatware so you can see the pattern better – tried to find something rather Colonial looking – this is the closest we could find. Cambridge ‘Andover’ from Kohl’s
Last night we went to Dan DiPaolo’s Open House at the’s so festive there and cold but with hot chocolate, wine and treats and wonderful treasures to buy you didn’t even think about the cold. I bought 2 of Dan’s products and had some hot chocolate, went over to the ‘cabin’ and warmed up a bit and got a great picture with Dan. He and Jamey are just the best – great people, friends and talented designers. Thanks Dan for the words of encouragement.
I will show you later what I bought…it’s all packed up in the basement.
(Photos aren’t good…very dark in the barn and outside)
Off we go to the Cabin (Dan’s studio in the making)
Seth David Roth (former corporate chef to Oprah Winfrey) was in the Cabin with some very special delights.
Oh dear…this is what happens when a CD gets stuck in your stereo and the door won’t open and it won’t play…59 screws later here it is!
Needless to say I have a new one out of all that! lol
Tonight we are going to our oldest grandson’s 21’st birthday party. I Just don’t know where that time went. Jess basically lived with us the first 6 years of his little life so we got to know him well – he was like our 4th son.
Let me see – what else…can’t think of anything except
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