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A new direction

This is my first attempt at using Windows Live Writer…so please be patient with me!

In my last post, I showed you the new-to-me couch in my living room.

couch 004

Of course, that one new piece of furniture started a domino effect! I had to change the orientation of the rug. Of course I have to rearrange my pictures. Naturally I will need some throw pillows. But most importantly, I need *something* to cover the now bare space of wall above! (Can’t have that cable jack staring me in the face, now can I??)

My first thought was to put a bookshelf there, but then I remembered this little chest of drawers that I picked up at a (very cold, very wet) auction on Memorial Day.

map 002

No one else seemed to want it! I scored it for $20. I thought the shape was fun and unusual, and it is actually a great height for a small entry table or buffet.

Or maybe…for my bare wall??

I had a specific idea in mind for this piece. I purchased this map from Amazon (about $6, including shipping), and I mod-podged it to the top. Knowing that mod-podge tends to create wrinkles, I purposely crinkled and wrinkled the map before I put it on! The body of the cabinet I painted in a creamy white “oops” Valspar paint (the same paint that inspired my bathroom makeover here).

map 005

The map originally had a glossy finish, but the matte finish mod-podge toned that down, and I liked it much better. Then I used Minwax Jacobean stain mixed with Martha Stewart glazing medium over the whole chest—map and all. It gave great “age” to the map and everything else! I used the original hardware, painted with oil-rubbed bronze spray paint, but then roughed up to show some of the original brass underneath.

Here’s what it looks like now!

map 013

The map looks more vintage-y with the glaze (and the wrinkles!)

map 014

Then I had fun playing with a few accessories….

map 018

I picked up these two HUGE chippy baseboards at an architectural-salvage shop in Salt Lake City. I didn’t know Salt Lake had an architectural-salvage shop! It was probably better when I didn’t know…

decoupaged chest of drawers

I have three of these cool scales now. I think Ballard Designs want $300 for theirs. I didn’t pay over $20 for any of mine!

decoupaged chest of drawers

The left side of the scale holds two doorknobs and a wire flower frog. The right side has an old brush. I purchased them all at a great antique shop in Salmon, Idaho, on my way home from Montana. I spent a delightful 20 minutes and $28 there!

decoupaged chest of drawers

The succulents in the little wheelbarrow I bought from a local lady who makes delightful arrangements in “found” objects—like tea cups, gravy boats, or other unusual dishes.

decoupaged chest of drawers

So the real test is…what does it look like in my living room?

Well, what do you think?

decoupaged dresser

This is the “new direction” I am referring to (also a nod to the map on the top!) Is this as good as / or better than a bookshelf?

decoupaged dresser

(Still not sure what to put above the couch now. But I may have the glimmer of an idea…)

map 029

What do you think?

map 032

and featured topsy turvy tuesdays

Linking up to these great parties here

36th Avenue


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